SW Craft Bar
I feel like we say the same exact thing every winter in Minnesota. In December we say “hey, this winter is not so bad”. And in January we say “Well, it’s COLD”. And it IS cold here in Minnesota this January like every January. During the day it’s not too bad if the sun is out and it’s not windy. But at night this 1F temperature really discourages me from going out even for a little bit. So, even though we were planning to eat out for dinner tonight, we decided not to go outside. Thankfully, there are several options where we can get to using the skyway system. We’ve been to SW Craft Bar several times, but the food has been somewhat inconsistent. Tonight the food was really good! I had rice noodle salad with lemongrass tofu (picture above). The tofu was perfectly cooked and the proportions of the noodle, tofu, and vegetables were just perfect! Very refreshing and tasty.
毎年同じようなことを言ってるのですが、一月になるとホントイッキに寒くなるミネソタです。昼間は太陽さえ出ていればまあ大丈夫なのですが、夕方になるとやっぱり冷えます。今日は夕ご飯は外食しようね、と決めていたのですが、あまりの寒さにもう外に出たくないね、と。で、スカイウエイで行けれるところに行こう、ということで、SW クラフトバー、というお店に行ってきました。何度かいったことのあるこの店、すっごく美味しい、と言うときと、まあまあね、という時とあるのですが、今回はとっても満足。私は⇡のレモングラス風味豆腐入りヌードルサラダ。写真には裏側になってしまってあまり見えませんが、しゃきしゃき野菜もたっぷりのってとっても美味しかったです。
Terry had this El Presidente Burger, and he really liked it. I hope they keep up the good work because we will be back.
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